Tuesday, September 1, 2020

10 Free Ways to Show Gratitude to the Writers You Love

Authors write in isolation. It is a solitary craft. Perhaps we eventually go on to share our manuscript with trusted friends or family, or perhaps we bring our rough drafts to a critique group or editor. But writing is a basically autonomous craft, and as such, a writer’s life leads us to especially appreciate feedback. In the form of reviews, or contests, or personal correspondences of thanks for our work, as just some examples. 

I was recently notified of two more book awards to add to my credits for “The Hidden Abbey.” I was awarded the Bronze Medal from the Global E-Book awards and Finalist in the American Fiction Awards Contest. I felt that flutter of thrill in my chest to learn my work was validated and appreciated.

Author Andi Cumbo-Floyd wrote a blog in April 2019 about her poignant experience in receiving gratitude from readers. Andi spoke about a year of experiencing dark days, with family deaths and a host of other misfortunes. She went on to say how a new favorite novel captured her heart and saved her from deep despair.

She sent a quick email to the author to say thank you for the book, to tell her how much of a comfort it was in her hard days. The author wrote back to say that was the kindest note she’d ever received. Andi was teary thinking that a note that took one minute to write could be so meaningful to someone whose novel’s words had helped her to heal. 

The kindness and appreciation we can give our fellow writers is not to be underestimated!

Here is Andi’s list of 10 ways you can easily show kindness and love to the writers whose works have mattered to you.

10 FREE Ways to Show Gratitude to the Writers You Love 

1. Write them a note. Say thank you. Tell them what their work meant to you. You can find most people’s email addresses or contact forms on their websites, or you can message them through social media.

2. Follow them on Amazon or BookBub or Goodreads. That little follow means you’ll get notifications about their new work – win for you – but it also helps boost their standing and opportunities on those platforms.

3. Review their books. Reviews matter. They help other readers decide if they want to pick up those books, and they help authors, especially authors who are just starting out, to be able to get other promotional opportunities. You can post a review to Goodreads and then just copy and paste it anywhere that author’s books are sold.

4. Recommend their books to your local public and schools libraries. Many libraries have forms you can fill out to recommend a book. It’ll take you two minutes, but it’ll mean a whole lot to an author.

5. Suggest podcasters you know interview them. If you listen to a podcast that is thematically appropriate for a writer whose work you love, drop that podcaster a line and suggest they check out the book and the author.

6. Share your copies of books. When you tell a friend you loved a book, it makes it more likely that they’ll read it. And more readers means more fans, overall.

7. Post about what you read on social media. Do a quick Instagram story about what you read. Post a link on FB or Twitter. Tag in the writer if you can.

8. Join their launch team. Many writers have launch teams to help spread the word about their new books. It’s easy, and often you get to read the book early.

9. Sign-up for their email list. Sign-ups matter to an author because of future book contracts and marketing opportunities, but they also give you behind-the-scenes access to the author and sometimes special deals on books.

10. Go to their readings. Just be there. Listen. Ask questions. It means the world to see the faces of readers in the flesh.


What forms of support have you most appreciated as an author? 

Perhaps you can thank 30 writers for the next 30 days. Or 5 writers in the next week. Or even your favorite one today. Leave me a comment below and let me know if you plan to do this! 



  1. Thank you, Jodine for sharing this. A reminder to take a little more time to show gratitude...to writers and all the other people who've made a difference in our lives.

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