Friday, August 17, 2012


Today is the launch day for the newly created Visionary Fiction Alliance and its blog site. Our purpose is to increase awareness of this novel genre. I am so blessed to be in the company of some of the best Visionary Fiction authors at the VFA.

As one of the Founding Members of the VFA, I invite you to join us in our blessings, our intentions, and our prayers for our new blog site. You may envision us christening a ship’s hull with a bottle of champagne. Or perhaps you see us cutting a shining golden ribbon with over-sized scissors. You might even imagine us sitting around a crackling fire or holding a brightly lit candle, toasting to our success. Whatever you imagination conjures up, pull up a seat and join us in our celebration.  

I invite you to witness our blog blessings, virtually spoken below, as they ride the silver rays of today’s new moon; a perfectly timed day to launch the Visionary Fiction Alliance!

VFA Founding Member Blessings:  (as also posted on the VFA site)

Blessings for our VFA and our newly created blog. May the VFA provide a beacon for authors, readers, reviewers, and publishers to discover, network, and be inspired by Visionary Fiction; to feel it’s call to transform ourselves into the most awakened and loving beings we can be. And may Visionary Fiction change the world for the better – one story at a time.
~ Jodine Turner

May the VFA
Inspire today
And foreshadow
A better tomorrow
~ Michael Sussman

With all my heart, I send out love, light, and inspiration to the Visionary Fiction Alliance, its founders, and future members. May we successfully transmit our positive messages with our stories, support each other's efforts, and strive for the very traits that our characters evolve into. Here's to a beautiful beginning on a most auspicious day. 
~ Eleni Papanou

May deep and lasting connections be forged,
Between like-minded souls who roam this site,
Together we are strong and bold
As we all head towards the light.
~  Michelle Gordon

Dear beneficent universe, recognize in us our desire to serve you and all creation. The Visionary Fiction Alliance is dedicated to manifesting the glory of spirit in a world that sometimes seems to lack it. We ask your protection and blessing on our effort to let the light shine and illustrate the conscious awareness in darkness. May this blessing extend to all the ways we authors are moved to depict it.
~ Sandy Nathan

May the Visionary Fiction Alliance serve as an enlightening, inspiring, and uplifting online community for all whose sense of the sacred includes personal growth and service to others. May VFA bridge differences and provide entertainment with an eye on solutions rather than fear and misunderstanding. And may VFA help its members and followers transcend their limited perceptions to allow for inquiry and the expansion of consciousness. 
~Margaret Duarte
I raise a virtual glass to the Visionary Fiction Alliance. May it thrive and achieve all its noble aims, for readers and writers alike.
~Saleena Karim

I invite you to visit the Visionary Fiction Alliance blog site!


New Moon photo credit: Doblonaut via photo pin cc
Candle photo credit: 53 mm photogRaphy via photo pin cc

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