Monday, August 29, 2011

Virtual Book Tour begins today

Within the womb of last night's dark moon,
a new beginning was made possible.
~Allison Rae

I'm celebrating the new beginning for Carry on the Flame: Destiny's Call with a Virtual Book Tour. It's just like an old-fashioned book tour except it is hosted by book reviewers and book bloggers on the internet.

Here is the schedule for the next 10 days. I would love it if you would stop in and visit! There will be Giveaways of my book, book excerpts, interviews, and more. Hope to 'see you' there.

Aug 29 – The Musings of M.d Christie – Book Excerpt
Aug 30 - 100 Stars Or Less – Interview / Giveaway

Aug 31 – Songs And Stories – Book Excerpt  
Sept 1 – Coma Calm – Book Trailer / Giveaway
Sept 2 – The Wormhole – Interview / Giveaway
Sept 3 – Donna’s Blog Home – Interview
Sept 4 – The Bookish Snob – Book Excerpt / Giveaway
Sept 5 – eReading On The Cheap – Book Trailer / Giveaway

Sept 6 – Supernatural Bookworm – Book Excerpt

Sept 7 – All Things Books – Book Excerpt / Giveaway
Sept 8 – Author Site – Final stop, right here! Big Giveaway! Copies of my first two novels, The Awakening: Rebirth of Atlantis and The Keys to Remember, as well as the e-book of Carry on the Flame.

Also, my publishers put together a fun press release for Carry on the Flame.  Check it out!

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